Visiting Researcher, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Research Professor, Desert Research Institute
Michael Dettinger Climate Science, LLC
"A method for physically-based model analysis of conjunctive use in response to potential climate changes," by Hanson, Flint, Flint, Dettinger, Faunt, Cayan and Schmid, 2012, Water Resources Research.
"Potential impacts of climate change on groundater resources--A global review," by Earman and Dettinger, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2011.
"Integrated simulation of consumptive use and land subsidence in the Central Valley, California, for the past and for a future subject to urbanization and climate change," Hanson, Flint, Flint, Faunt, Schmid, Dettinger, Leake and Cayan, 2010, Land Subsidence, Associated Hazards and the Role of Natural Resources Development, IAHS Publication 339, 5 p.
"Monitoring netowrks for long-term recharge change in the mountains of California and Nevada--A meeting report," by Earman and Dettinger, Report to California Energy Commission, 2008.
"Western ground-water and climate change--Pivotal to supply sustainability or vulnerable in its own right?", by Dettinger and Earman, Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers, June 2007.
"Relations between climatic variability and hydrologic time series from four alluvial basns across the southwestern United States," by Hanson,. Dettinger, and Newhouse, Hydrogeology Journal, August 2006.
"Ground water/surace water responses to global climate simulations, Santa Clara- Calleguas basin, Ventura, CA," by Hanson and Dettinger, Journal of American Water Resources Association, 2005.
"Warming trends and groundwater recharge in western mountains, with implications for groundwater and surface-water resources," by Earman and Dettinger, 2005 MTNCLIM Workshop.
"A Methodology to Assess Relations between Climatic Variability and Variations in Hydrologic Time Series in the Southwestern United States," by Hanson, Newhouse, and Dettinger, Journal of Hydrology, 2004.
"Towards a groundwater-level climatology of the Soutwestern United States," by Dettinger, Hanson, Newhouse, and Groisman, poster session, National Academy of Sciences Committee on Hydrologic Sciences Workshop on Groundwater Fluxes through Interfaces, Egg Harbor, Wisconsin, May 2002.
"Hydrogeology of structurally extended terrains in the eastern Great Basin of Nevada, Utah, and adjacent states from geologic and geophysical models", by Michael Dettinger and Donald Schaefer, 1 sheet, U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic-Investigations Atlas HA-694-D.
"Geochemistry and Isotope Hydrology of Representative Aquifers in the Great Basin Region of Nevada, Utah, and adjacent states" by Thomas, Welch, and Dettinger, 1996, US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1409-C, 100 p.
"Ground-water Conditions in Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada--Part II, Hydrogeology and simulation of ground-water flow" by Morgan and Dettinger, 1996, US Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2320-B , 124 p.
"Distribution of carbonate-rock aquifers and the potential for their development, southern Nevada and parts of Arizona, California, and Utah" by Dettinger, Schmidt, Harrill, and Hess, 1995, US Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 91-4146, 100 p; click here for separate public_friendly State-published summary report (published 1989; 37 pages, 8.6 Mb).
"Geohydrology of areas being considered for exploratory drilling and development of the carbonate-rock aquifers in southern Nevada--Preliminary assessment," by Dettinger, 1992, USGS Water Resources Investigation Report 90-4077, 35 p.
"Reconnaissance estimates of natural recharge to desert basins in Nevada, USA, by using chloride-balance calculations", by Michael Dettinger, 1989, Journal of Hydrology, v. 106, p. 55-78.
"Ground-water quality and geochemistry of Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada, 1981-83," by Michael Dettinger, USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 87-4007, 69 p.
"First order analysis of uncertainty in numerical models of groundwater flow--Part I. Mathematical development," by Dettinger and Wilson, 1981, Water Resources Research.