Visiting Researcher, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Research Professor, Desert Research Institute
Michael Dettinger Climate Science, LLC
"Incorporating climate data into emergency planning and exercises—A primer for emergency management practitioners and data developers," by Albano et al., Desert Research Institute Publication 41303.
"A multidisciplinary training opportunity for the next generation of Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) collaborators—The 2022 FIRO Colloquium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography," by Cobb et al., Bulletin of American Meteorological Society.
"Planning & scoping a Tahoe Climate Center," by Alex et al., April 2021
"Lake Mendocino Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations Final Viability Assessment," by Jasperse et al., February 2021
"Techniques for constructing climate scenarios for stress test applications," by Albano et al., Climatic Change, 2021.
"Preliminary Viability Assessment of Lake Mendocino forecast-informed reservoir operations," by FIRO Steering Committee.
"On critiques of 'Stationarity is Dead--Whither Water Management?'," by Milly et al., 2015, Water Resources Research.
"Perspectives and guidance for climate change analysis," by the California Department of Water Resources Climate Change Technical Advisory Group, 2015, California DWR report.
"A vision for future observations for western US extreme precipitation and flooding," by Ralph et al., 2014, Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education.
"Planning for the atmospheric river threat," by Dettinger and Cox, 2014, The Buzz (Quarterly Newsletter of the USACE Silver Jackets Program.
"A 21st Century observing network for California," by White, Anderson, Dettinger, Ralph, Hinojosa, and Cayan, 2012, 16th Annual Symposium on the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing.
"21st Century Western Observing System for Extreme Precipitation," Western States Water Council brochure, 2012.
"An advanced monitoring network in support of the FloodER Program," by Anderson, Ericson, Dettinger, Cayan & Schneider, California Flood Safe Report, 2010.
"Assessment of extreme quantitative precipitation forecasts and development of regional extreme event thresholds using data from HMT-2006 and COOP Observers," by Ralph, Sukovich, Reynolds, Dettinger, Weagle, Clark, and Neiman, 2010, Journal of Hydrometeorology.
"The utility of daily large-scale climate data in the assessment of climate change impacts on daily streamflow in Caifornia," by Maurer, Hidalgo, Das, Dettinger and Cayan, 2010, Hydrology and Earth Systems Science, 2010.
"Providing seasonal-to-interannual climate information for risk management and decision making," by Goddard, Aitchellouche, Baethgen, Dettinger, Graham, Hayman, Kadi, Martinez, Meinke, and Conrad, 2010, Procedia Environmental Sciences.
"Forecasting the combined effects of urbanization and climate change on stream ecosystems--From impacts to management options," by Nelson, Palmer, Pizzuto, Moglen, Angermeier, Hilderbrand, Dettinger, and Hayhoe, 2009, Journal of Applied Ecology.
"A description and evaluation of hydrologic and climate forecast and data products that support decision-making for water resources managers", by Mantua, Dettinger, Pagano, Wood, Redmond and Restrepo, 2008, Chapter 2 in "Decision-support experiments and evaluations using seasonal to interannual forecasts and observational data--A focus on water rsources (US CCSP Synthesis and Assessment Product 5.3, Bellter-Simms, Ingram, Feldman, Mantua, Jacobs, and Waples, eds.)," full report (6.5 Mb, 208 pages).
"CASCaDE climate change scenarios--Methods and availability," by Dettinger, Cayan, and Hidalgo, 2008, Poster for 2008 CALFED Science Conference.
"Downscaling with constructed analogues--Daily precipitation and temperature fields over the United States," by Hidalgo, Dettinger, and Cayan, 2008, California Energy Commission PIER report.
"A component-resampling approach for estimating probability distributions from small forecast ensembles," by Dettinger, Climatic Change, 2006.
"Implementing a US National Phenology Network," by Betancourt, Schwartz, Breschears, Cayan, Dettinger, Inouye, Post, and Reed, Eos, 20 December 2005.
"Hydrologic scales, cloud variablity, remote sensing, and models--Implications for forecasting snowmelt and streamflow," Simpson, Dettinger, Gehrke, McIntire, and Hufford, Weather and Forecasting, 2004.
"Meteorology and hydrology in Yosemite National Park: A sensor network application," by Jessica Lundquist, Dan Cayan, and Dettinger, ISPN Conference Proceedings, Feb 2003.
"Thermal evolution of snowpack at Gin Flat, Yosemite National Park," by Dettinger and Gerhke, Sierra Nevada Science Symposium, 2002, poster.
"Advanced spectral methods for climatic time series," by Ghil, Allen, Dettinger, Ide, Kondrashov, Mann, Robertson, Saunders, Tian, Varadi, and Yiou, Reviews of Geophysics, Jan 2002.
"Software expedites singular-spectrum analysis of noisy time series," by Dettinger, Ghil, Strong, Weibel, and Yiou, 1995, Eos; SSA Toolkit site at UCLA Department of Atmospheric Sciences.
"Snow-cover Comparison Tool," 1999 Western Snow Conference Proceedings, by Koczot and Dettinger
Long-Lead Streamflow Forecast for Winter & Spring 2000 (based on anticipated La Nina conditions), published in December 1999 Experimental Long-Lead Forecast Bulletin, by Dettinger, Cayan, and Redmond
Long-Lead Streamflow Forecast for Winter & Spring 2001 (based on anticipated neutral ENSO and negative PDO conditions), published in the September 2000 Experimental Long-Lead Forecast Bulletin, by Dettinger, Cayan, McCabe and Redmond
Long-Lead Streamflow Forecast for Winter & Spring 2003 (expectations and, especially, uncertainties based on anticipated El Nino conditions), in the September 2002 Experimental Long-Lead Forecast Bulletin, by Dettinger, Cayan, and Redmond